5 Things to Do in Your Garden in Spring

Posted by Chloe Ackland on 3rd April, 2024.


Get your gardening season off to a good start this year!

We all know that Spring is a season for growth and fresh starts. It's the perfect time to give your garden a spring clean (literally!) and get the growing season off to a good start. So, we've put together 5 handy tips for kick-starting a happy and thriving garden. 

(Check out our Spring Gardening Guide for more gardening tips!)

Women Gardening in Shed


1. Sort our Your Shed and Storage Space


Having a good sorting session in your shed / garage / greenhouse and going through your essentials and tools is an excellent way to start the gardening season. You can see what you're missing, find things you've forgotten and get everything prepared for the growing season. Try to declutter your space, organise your tools and find suitable storage solutions to keep your gardening essentials clean, tidy and safely stored. 

Tip! If you're throwing anything away please make sure you dispose of it correctly and recycle items where possible. 

2. Keep on Top of those Pesky Weeds

Weeds spring to life when the weather starts to warm up - they can grow very fast and quickly spiral out of control. Making sure that you're regularly weeding and staying on top of any pesky weeds while their roots are small. (much easier than trying to tackle them when they've become established!)

Tip! Get a quality pair of gardening gloves like our Orton or Fellbarrow gloves to give you good grip for tugging out any weeds by hand.


3. Beware of the Late Frost

Don't let the warmer weather fool you - keep an eye on the weather during April as late frosts are still bound to happen! Flowers are most vulnerable to the frost so take precautions and protect them by using a horticultural fleece or even any spare sheets you have around the house.

Tip! Don't use plastic sheets as this can make the cold even worse for your flowers! This advice is for plants that have already flowered and not those who are still in bud. 

Spring Gardening Sowing Carrots

4. Sow Your Veg and Plant Your Plants

Mid-April is the perfect time to start sowing your vegetable patch. To start, prepare the area and make sure it's fully fertilised and weed-free. Once your soil reaches the optimum temperature (6 degrees celsius) you can start planting potatoes and onions and sowing broad beans, carrots, radishes, lettuce, rocket and spinach. 

During March and April, you can get busy planting perennials and summer-flowering bulbs (begonias and lilies are our favourite!) and sowing annual plants like bellflowers. 

Tip! Remember to water your plants at start and end of the day during any dry spells! 


5. Repair Your Lawn

Keep your lawn looking healthy and full of life by re-seeding it and focusing on any bare patches. This will help provide a boost after the cold winter weather. Although it's tempting to get the lawnmower out every week, you should actually leave parts of your lawn to go wild for a few weeks at a time. This gives plants the chance to flower and provide nectar and pollen for our bees and other insects.

Tip! Watch out for any hiding wildlife. Take care when cutting or pruning your lawn or hedges not to disturb any nesting birds and always check before you start. Remember there may be little animals or hedgehogs that made homes for winter, so be careful when cutting Winter growth back!

Spring Gardening Tips


Get equipped for all your gardening plans by taking a look through our complete collection of best selling Gardening footwear and essentials - used and trusted by garden-lovers all over the UK.

Don't forget to share your photos with us on Instagram: #GetLakelandActive